Sometimes things get in the way of our animals being able to heal as well as they were designed to – the stresses of modern life, chemicals and toxins in our environment, accidents, traumas earlier in life, are just a few examples. When we need a little extra help, that’s where reiki healing can come in.
Reiki is a gentle but powerful healing modality. It enables us to shed the physical, mental and emotional blockages to our own healing.
And the picture above? That’s not me having a nap on the sofa with my dogs – It was taken by the dogs’ owner, of me channelling the reiki healing energy to two different dogs at the same time. So you see, my reiki sessions are very friendly and informal, and can be done in your animal’s own home.
The dog on my left, was losing the use of his rear end with severe spondylosis and after a session had a big stretch and was visibly much more comfortable moving. I have also had success with behavioural issues in dogs, and with health issues in my horse and myself.
At present I have to be hands-on or in close proximity, so am currently only offering reiki healing to existing clients whilst I am living-in with their animals. Once I have done the next level of training, I will be able to do distance healing as well, and then I hope to be able to offer reiki healing more widely to animal owners, with initial hands-on sessions, and follow-up ones done at a distance.